Kevin Breen

Kevin Breen

111 posts

Setting Up My Forensic Lab

I have finally bowed to the pressure of my good friend Kev and now have a server! I must point out that it is his old server and through his immense generosity now

EnScripts – GUI USNJrnl.enscript

Those of you who are following my blog will remember that in my last EnScript blog post I created a UsnJrnl EnScript and I promised I would add a Graphical User Interface (GUI)

EnScripts - USNJrnl.enscript

As I have mentioned previously one of the things I want to learn to make me a better Forensic Analyst is Python. Mainly because Kev can’t complete a sentence at work without

New Home For My Blog

Just a quick blog post for the reasoning behind moving my blog. There were several reasons for the move, the main one being the relocation to the domain. The techanarchy blog