Kevin Breen

Kevin Breen

111 posts
Nano Nano Join Domain you will!

Nano Nano Join Domain you will!

Good News, UPDATED: check for a better method of sending the nano01 djoin file to the nano server! 🙂 Grumpy Admin passed his CISSP exam, bad news, I

CISSP my brain is crispy

CISSP my brain is crispy

Grumpy Admin here!   OMG my brain is hurting.  This week has been hard! Grumpy admin, through his own stupidly did a decent business case to his manager and got his self a place

The Advanced Installer MSI Soup!

The Advanced Installer MSI Soup!

Grumpy Admin is Grumpy! We have a very tight IT ship internally, no thanks to me – I recently did a win10 client deployment and locked my users down, so they can’t just