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IPCONFIG is all the Rage!

Often if like me you just need to get the IP Address, confirm the DG or DNS server of the machine you are working on – you can’t trust the BGINFO as things

The RID Riddle

As ever, I was reading up and revising my latest exam topics – As I failed my last Microsoft Exam, by only a few points, which really made me grumpy! I decided to put

A Slow daaaaay!!!! meh!

Morning, even before I finish my morning coffee, and before I do my morning checks on my infrastructure, making sure Microsoft DPM has behaved, that we not lost any DC and all other

Windows Key + L is for Love!

I used to work in a open plan office, where there were if you left your desk to grab some printing/coffee or to dash to the loo or something without locking your

The Root Cause Hot Potato

Servers crash, it is part of being in IT – and with server crashes, there is always the management sticking us Grumpy (and sometimes old) IT Admins in to the stirrups and asking deep