Virus! Virus! ... false alarm Mondays :evil chuckle:
Grumpy Admin, is super grumpy today – he didn’t sleep well and coming to work on a Monday morning, makes me grumpy and sad! Doesn’t that make you grumpy and sad as
A collection of 111 posts
Grumpy Admin, is super grumpy today – he didn’t sleep well and coming to work on a Monday morning, makes me grumpy and sad! Doesn’t that make you grumpy and sad as
Grumpy Admin is lazy – In Windows there are often times when you want to copy files from one folder to another. My boss, tends to open up the source directory and then the
Grumpy Admin was asked by a friend to look at his Powershell script. Stop laughing, Grumpy Admin does indeed have the odd friend. His script was all to do with Eventlogs. I offered
Previously Grump Admin – wrote about how to convert an IP and Subnet into binary. Using the [System.Convert]::tostring(255,2) method. So we left off with the following code snippet which will
Grumpy Admin was asked a quick question this afternoon – How do I display a number in binary in Powershell. I can only assume his context was IP address or Subnet mask, I think
Grumpy Admin – Does it not really get your goat and make you grumpy, when you login to newly commissioned server, and the keyboard and region and language settings are WRONG? I am English,