Proxmox Custom OpenVZ Templates
In my previous post I had decided / was forced to replace ESXi with ProxMox and that it was capable of running OpenVZ containers, which was something I wanted to play more with. OpenVZ
In my previous post I had decided / was forced to replace ESXi with ProxMox and that it was capable of running OpenVZ containers, which was something I wanted to play more with. OpenVZ
Doesn’t it make you grumpy when you sat in front of terminal and there someone asks you what a certain acronym in IT is… for example… Grumpy Admin what does SCSI actually
Grumpy Admin here – With another exciting tip – Today I was asked a very interesting question – I thought I would share it with you guys. I was asked – “How many activations does a particular
Grumpy Admin here – been in work 20 mins, half a cup of coffee and I nearly throw it over someone when I saw what they were trying to do… It bad form, and
Morning, Grumpy Admin here – Yesterday I took a break from my boring documentation and other project work – Hence not many blog posts as well I have to actual earn a living, blogging doesn’
Grumpy Admin Here, you know when someone says something, and you like… are you serious… typically they say these things out of lack of understanding. So here is a very very quick blog